Communications and Relations Academy

Have you ever wanted to be on the news, make a podcast, or help create media campaigns to support social justice causes?

Communications and Relations Academy includes Impact Projects that:

○ increase youth voice in the community through written, oral or video format

○ contribute to information dissemination

○ facilitate development of local and global relations

Current Projects

  • Tues/Thurs.

    Grades 9-12.

    *Required for students already rostered in Choir

  • Members in Band will work on the fundamentals of music notation, sound production, and performance. In addition, this group will find ways to share their sound beyond the walls of LJA and will perform for community groups and events.


    Grades 6-12.

    *Required for students already rostered in Band

  • The Classroom Intern Program allows for High School students to serve as Classroom Interns for faculty and staff. Faculty lead will work with the students schedule to place students in classrooms to serve as a support role.


    Grades 7-12.

    Classroom Intern Job Description

  • Dawg Squad is all about keeping spirit and morale high at our school. This Impact Project focuses on rallying the community for school and athletic events and will be working to ensure all of our community events are broadcasted through appropriate channels and supported.


    Grades 8-12.

  • The Peer Tutoring Program is designed for students who want to support their fellow peers in their academic classes. They may be assigned to work down in the Middle School during support block and may be assigned a room or group of students to work with.


    Grades 8-12.

  • The Tea, Literature and Cookies group will work on literacy initiatives in the community. This group will work on designing, creating, and implementing a Little Free Library in the High School.

    Thurs. only.

    Grades 9-12.

  • This Impact Project focuses on developing studio skills, providing DP Art Students with the space, time, and instructional support to help develop their portfolio and collection of art for their senior art exhibition. In addition, members of this academy will support the different art-related events and activities throughout the year. Students will be responsible for the setup, running, and takedown of the Senior Art Exhibition and Annual Artsfest. Through this Impact Project, students have the opportunity to develop studio projects and skills necessary to take an active and creative role in our community.


    11-12 DP Visual Art Students only.

  • Conceptualize, design and create the yearbook for this school year.


    Grades 6-12.