About I-Term
What is I-TERM?
I-Term (Impact Term) is an annual week to twelve days (depending on the course) dedicated to experiential learning and community engagement. It is an opportunity for Le Jardin Academy students to engage in a diverse assortment of fully immersive experiences outside of or as an extension of the Academic curriculum.
To see all the courses that were offered as part of I-Term this past year, please refer to the 2024 LJA I-Term Course Catalog.
Our Mission: What is the objective of I-Term?
Expose students to authentic, immersive, challenging learning experiences that they may not otherwise have (“extraordinary”)
Build a strong sense of community through intentionally nurtured relationships and shared experiences
Developing sound character (resilience, integrity, courage, compassion, humor, imagination, flexibility)
Facilitate individual excellence
Create opportunities to positively impact local and global communities
Honor individual pathways by allowing student choice, passion, creativity and innovation at all levels of the process
Cultivate diverse student profiles that embody responsible global citizenship
Encourage honest self-reflection and self-awareness
How is it accomplished?
Student voice, choice and agency built into the process of building the course catalog, developing syllabi and itineraries, managing risk, and producing shared learning materials
Multi-age collaboration
Diverse options for learning
Career-based learning opportunities in course catalog or as independent I-Term options
International learning opportunities in course catalog
Intercultural communication options in course catalog
Interface with experts
Intentional reflection modeled by leaders
Significant responsibility delegated to students
Opportunities to fail and struggle (planned discomfort)
For specific questions and logistical information regarding I-Term, refer to our I-Term FAQ.